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Ausco Modular | Keeping your temporary building cool in Summer
7 November 2023

Helping Your Air Conditioner's Performance During Extreme Heat

Summer is nearly here so our air conditioners are going to be put to work!

Using air conditioning efficiently during the warmer summer months can not only keep your temporary Ausco building cool and comfortable, but also help save energy and reduce electricity costs over time.

During extreme temperatures, it may seem like your air conditioner struggles to keep up so, how can you optimise your air conditioning system to keep your demountable building comfortable throughout the hotter months? 

Keep reading for tips and troubleshooting solutions for both wall-mounted box type air conditioners and split system air conditioners.

1. Be realistic with your expectations

Air conditioners are designed with a highest outside operation temperature of 40-43° in mind. In temperatures of 32° and above, air conditioning systems run at full capacity. Higher outside temps may cause your building to be a little warmer than you'd prefer, but your unit will still be cooling air by about 12°. Don't forget to stay well hydrated to help your body regulate its temperature more effectively, reducing the need for excessive cooling.

2. Keep the temperature consistent

Avoid setting the temperature too low, as it can lead to excessive energy consumption. 24° is recommended. Run your air conditioner early in the day to keep your building cool before the heat sets in. It's more energy efficient to keep your building cool rather than trying to cool it down once it's already hot. 

Furthermore, educate your colleagues on how to use the air conditioning system efficiently, encourage them to use the system responsibly and to adopt energy-saving practices, such as keeping doors and windows closed when the system is running.

3. Optimise airflow

Minimising door opening is an effective way to keep the cold air within the building. High traffic areas where doors are often open will impact the ability to cool the inside of the building. Keeping the sunshine out will also help keep the building as cool as possible. Use shades or blinds to block out the sun during the hottest parts of the day. This can reduce the heat coming into your building, making it easier for your air conditioner to cool the space.

Did you know Ausco offers blinds and window tinting as an ECO Upgrade option? Contact your local Ausco team today for a quote!

4. Keep filters clean

Even if it looks ok, clean it anyway! Air conditioning filters should be washed and dried monthly. If exposed to highly dusty environments, cleans will need to be done more regularly to keep the air conditioner working efficiently.

Ausco Modular | Keeping your temporary building cool in Summer

To clean your air filter, follow this best practice:

  1. Before starting any cleaning, make sure to turn off the power to the air conditioner to prevent any electrical accidents.
  2. The location of the air filter may vary depending on the type of air conditioning unit. In most cases, the filter is located behind the front panel or grille.
  3. Open the front panel or grille to access the filter. Slide out the filter carefully, taking note of how it was positioned. If the filter is heavily soiled upon removal, vacuum excess debris first.
  4. Before washing the filter, mix a small amount of dishwashing detergent into a spray bottle with water.
  5. Take the filter outside and spray it down with the solution. Use a hose to spray the filter thoroughly.
  6. After cleaning, let the filter air dry completely before reinstalling it. Make sure it is completely dry to prevent mold or mildew growth. Allow the filter to dry in the shade as direct sunlight can cause it to warp.
  7. While the filter is drying, wipe down any dust or debris from the return air frame and door.
  8. Slide the filter back into its original position, making sure it is properly aligned and secured.
  9. Once the filter is securely in place, close the front panel or grille and turn the power back on.

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